coffee and tea

Coffee and Tea as Metabolism Boosters

Coffee and tea are excellent natural solutions for a metabolic kick and work out quite efficiently as metabolism boosters. The market is packed with over the counter pills and similar products that claim to increase your metabolic rate and help with weight loss. But is a company made booster more effective for burning fat than vitamins, organic drinks or other herbal tablets or supplements? Probably not. The best way to support your metabolism and lose weight in a healthy manner is to stay away from extreme, ‘quick’ and heavily-advertised products or fad diets. What you can do, however, is search for the foods and drinks that will help you get back in shape naturally, without putting your health at risk. To help you out, we’ll give you all the facts about coffee and tea as metabolism boosters to get you on right track.

coffee and tea
Coffee and green tea both contain caffeine, an essential ingredient for stimulating the central nervous system.

Some are apprehensive when determining if coffee and tea are good for your metabolism. Others strongly believe in the power they have as metabolism boosters for men and women alike. We’ll explore the benefits, disadvantages and options you have at hand, for both coffee and tea as some of the most reliable natural fat burner solutions. Read all about these metabolism boosters below!

Do Coffee and Tea Enhance Your Metabolism?

To begin with, we will answer one of the most significant questions on this topic: do coffee and tea really help your metabolism? To put it in a nutshell, both coffee and tea (at least a few varieties) contain one critical ingredient that recommends them as metabolism boosters: caffeine.

Data from Caffeine Informer helps us get a better idea about the caffeine content in coffee and tea. While we don’t have stats for a coffee bean or a loose leaf of green tea, we can speak about a few statistics for a cup of eight fluid ounces. According to the aforementioned source, one cup of green tea contains 25 milligrams of caffeine. A cup of brewed coffee is said to contain 163 milligrams, while one of instant coffee has 57.

How Caffeine and Your Metabolism Go Hand in Hand

So what does caffeine have to do with boosting your metabolism? This substance acts as a stimulant for the central nervous system and increases the amount of adrenaline in the body. It supports the breakdown of fat, which results in weight loss.

In addition to stimulating and pumping adrenaline, caffeine also is known for increasing your body’s metabolic rate. This term refers to the amount of calories that are burned while resting, so you can imagine why caffeine plays a significant role in the weight loss process.

However, caffeine might not work as a mean, lean, fat-burning machine for a male or female who is very overweight. Research results provided by Authority Nutrition prove that approximately 29% of fit individuals succeeded in burning more fat with the help of caffeine, while only 10% of those overweight experienced an increase. An additional conclusion is that the younger you are, the more likely caffeine will help increase your fat burning rate. This means that the elderly will probably have a harder time of using coffee and tea as metabolism boosters than younger adults.

Let’s take a closer look at the individual benefits of coffee and tea for supporting your metabolism.

Using Coffee as a Fat Burner

Coffee is indeed a great addition to your weight loss plan, but you can’t count on this element alone for getting the body of your dreams. Not only is it unhealthy, but it’s also counterproductive to rely on one solution for burning calories. No matter what details you add along the way, any healthy lifestyle should contain a balanced diet, frequent exercise and water in abundance. Don’t forget – you should drink at least two liters (about eight full glasses) of water every day.

coffee cup and beans
As far as metabolism boosters are in discussion, coffee is one of the best natural alternatives.

Furthermore, the way caffeine in coffee works for stimulating the nervous system is trickier than most would think. The more caffeine you consume, the more your body will build tolerance. A comparison to help you understand involves antibiotics – after taking them in abundance, they’ll stop being effective at one point. In other words, those who drink large amounts of coffee on a regular basis won’t enjoy the benefits of caffeine as much as those who alternate on and off with it.

When drinking coffee to boost your metabolism, you might notice that it works as an amazing appetite suppressant. Coffee drinkers know that a good cup of java is enough to cut off any cravings they have. Even though there aren’t any clear, widely-accepted conclusions in the medical community, quite a few studies showed that coffee reduced the desire to eat.

Nonetheless, you should never drink coffee in excess or avoid eating to lose weight. Not only can a lack of nutrients from healthy food weaken your whole immune system, but it can also lead to dangerous diseases like anorexia. It’s best if you drink unsweetened coffee in normal amounts and combine it with a healthy number of calories on a day to day basis.

Top Teas as Metabolism Boosters

As explained above, caffeine is a key ingredient in coffee and tea alike. Green tea, in particular, is known to be one of the best sources of caffeine out of all foods and drinks. Another benefit that the two popular drinks have in common is their antioxidant content, a property that can do wonders for the human body.

green tea
Green tea contains an abundance of antioxidants, which help you burn fat and prevent disease.

But is green tea the only type that will help you burn fat, or are there other herbal metabolism boosters available? Luckily enough, there are multiple teas that can assist in the fat burning process. If you want some alternatives to green tea, check out these varieties.

Goji Tea

As far as natural metabolism boosters are concerned, goji tea deserves a spot at the top of the list. The goji fruit is known to be consumed in various forms for losing weight, but one of the most effective options is goji tea. Studies show that goji tea can assist your body in burning 10% more calories than usual.

Oolong Tea

Without getting in too many statistics or studies, oolong tea might be considered an even better option than green tea for metabolism boosters. Oolong tea is known for blocking oxidation, the absorption of fat and visibly boosts the metabolism. This tea also has additional health benefits, like preventing obesity and reducing cholesterol levels.

White Tea

Battling bacteria, infections and fungi are just a few of the extra perks that white tea has. In fact, it is actually said to ward off bacteria even better than green tea, according to some studies. It is also known for its fat burning properties, which makes it one of the best natural metabolism boosters. The antioxidants that both green and white tea contain can undo the damage that free radicals create and even help you avoid certain types of cancer.

As a general conclusion, coffee and tea can really help you with your weight loss goals if you know how to add them to the perfect plan. Follow us at Fitness Tech Pro to get the latest reviews for exercise equipment and don’t forget to maintain a well-studied, nutrient-packed diet for fantastic results!

Image sources: 1, 2, 3.

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